Education, Outreach, and Advocacy Services

Education, Outreach, and Advocacy Services seeks to raise awareness on, address, and prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation, gender-based violence, and strengthen child protective systems and the protective environment for migrants/refugees. These services are facilitated all across Guyana. Education and Outreach Officers travel into coastal and hinterland communities to conduct needs assessments and research, support communities in navigating childcare and protection services, conduct advocacy and awareness raising campaigns and activities, and produce advocacy content via the media, posters, and flyers.

Outreach services are also a collaborative effort: liaising with stakeholders and community leaders to effectively educate on and promote referral systems, conducting localized and media campaigns, and holding training and education workshops as it relates to child sexual abuse and exploitation, gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, parenting skills, and life skills.

Education, Outreach and Advocacy services include:

  • Child Sexual Abuse prevention and response workshops
  • Good Enough Parenting including foster care workshops
  • Gender-based violence prevention, response, and mitigation workshops
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights workshops
  • Facilitating Psychosocial Support Clinics
  • Life-skills workshops
  • Establishing Community-based groups/clubs
  • Campaigns for strengthening and promoting healthy community relationships, policies, and culture
  • Conducting GBV and SRHR related research